At Aemula, we aim to support independent journalism by any means possible. As it becomes increasingly difficult to communicate between the clusters of information that form in the gravity of polarized media outlets, we believe it is vital to promote the diverse, individual voices capable of bridging the voids.

We are working diligently to build a next-generation platform capable of enabling writers to maintain their independence, while lowering the barriers for readers to discover quality information from independent sources. Our ultimate goal is still in progress of becoming a reality, but we believe it is essential for people to discover alternative sources of news today.

To begin offering those alternatives, we are starting this weekly publication to highlight the independent writers that are upholding this mission.

We are not endorsing any specific ideas or beliefs, and we do not intend to platform any specific people. Instead, we are endorsing these individuals’ ability to share their thoughts from their own unique perspectives. We simply respect their courage to forge ahead on their own, as well as their commitment to consistently creating quality content.

If you want to support any of these writers, we highly encourage you to subscribe to their individual publications. If you want to support independent journalism more broadly, we offer both paid and free subscriptions to stay informed!

All subscription revenue is reinvested directly into the independent journalism community.

If there are independent writers that you respect and want to see included here, please share them with us by emailing or by messaging us!

We prioritize the writers recommended by our readers since we know that our community knows best.

Finally, if you are interested in following our mission, stay up-to-date on our progress through our main site via the link below!


“stimulos dedit aemula virtus”

[rivalry in excellence spurs them on]

-Lucan, Pharsalia (c. 61-65 AD)

Subscribe to Aemula

Supporting independent journalism by any means possible.


Supporting independent journalism by any means necessary.