We are incredibly excited to announce that Nick Hagen of Never Close the Inquiry is officially the first writer to begin cross-posting content to the Aemula platform. We are honored to be able to provide the technical infrastructure necessary for Nick to truly own his work and scale his distribution.
Nick’s mission with Never Close the Inquiry is directly aligned with Aemula’s vision of reversing the trend of polarization in today’s media. By diving into the niche complexities underlying our current public discourse, Nick is able to create engaging content that allows readers to see past the black-and-white narratives pushed on social media and in the legacy press.
It takes vast amounts of time and effort to build a deep understanding of multiple perspectives and distill them into a single, approachable post for a diverse audience. This is why it is a rarity to find this level of context in today’s media landscape. This is why Aemula is driven to make sure writers like Nick are compensated fairly for their work.
As we begin to bridge partisan divides, we open new lines of communication to help develop a deeper understanding of the world around us. By creating a focused experience for readers to discover new perspectives, we can create a uniquely impactful media experience in the barrage of low-quality content we scroll through every day.
We encourage you to check out Nick’s work at Never Close the Inquiry and consider subscribing to his Substack to support him directly and follow his progress!
We have opened up the Alpha test of the Aemula platform and invite you to claim your one-month free trial access. As our community grows, we are committed to providing the resources, support, and tools necessary to build a trustworthy and efficient exchange of high-quality information.
Never Close the Inquiry
Written by Nick Hagen, a former New York City lawyer turned full-time writer focused on building mutual understanding and communication across the political divide.
“The fact that cities support Democrats and the rest support Republicans doesn’t mean the smart, good people live in place A and the dumb, evil people live in place B or vice versa—it’s much more of an indication that the conditions in which we’re raised and the influences to which we’re exposed have a big impact on what we come out believing. How often do we question that? Most of us hit adulthood pretty darn confident in beliefs we likely wouldn’t hold had we grown up with the dumb, evil people in place B.
If you are sincerely interested in understanding your ideological opponents; questioning your own positions; and building a bridge to allow for constructive, uplifting dialogue (and, perhaps, persuasion), then you might find an intellectual home here.
Point being, it gets a lot easier to get along and move things forward once you agree to Never Close the Inquiry.”
Interested in cross-posting your content to Aemula? Reach out to writers@aemula.com to get started! With cross-posting, you can:
Instantly expand your audience
Increase your earnings
Maintain full ownership of your work
Plus, you will have the opportunity to access community resources and grants to support the content you want to create! Cross-posting comes with no costs, no obligations, and you can stop or remove your content at any time.
We have launched the first open version of the Aemula platform, now live at aemula.com! Users can claim a one-month free trial by simply creating an account today!
If you want to support any of the writers we spotlight, we highly encourage you to subscribe to their individual publications. If you want to support independent journalism more broadly, we offer both paid and free subscriptions for you to stay informed!
All subscription revenue is reinvested directly into the independent journalism community.
Follow us on X to stay up-to-speed on platform updates and the writers we are adding to our community!
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